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Bella Vista Split, 2024
Performance, 20’00”
Exhibition view: 42. Split Salon, Razred, MKC

In early 2024, the long-anticipated renovation of Dom Mladih (Youth Cultural Center) in Split was finally announced. Originally built in the 1980s but never fully completed, the building has nonetheless been a home to many cultural organizations. By late 2024, renovations had yet to begin, but the 42nd Split Salon exhibition took place in this very building. For my performance in a newly (rampantly) developed project room—Razred, I portrayed a real estate developer announcing the building’s demolition to make way for an ambitious residential complex. The performance mimicked a typical project presentation, drawing on the language and mannerisms of local politicians and developers. Through this satirical intervention and a fictional architectural project, I tackled recent urban developments in Split, including the renovation and demolition of Hotel Marjan and the construction of the Small Mall project.

Photo credits: Žaklina Antonijević